Lenten Video series for Jubilee of Hope 2025
During the season of Lent, Holy Week and Easter Octave Bishop Fintan will share short daily messages (between 30 seconds and a minute) centred around the theme of Hope each day. This will be available on the main social media platforms, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Linked-in, Bluesky, Tiktok, YouTube. The handle for most platforms is @BishopFintan Some of the messages are from Bishop Fintan and many of them will also be from various people around the diocese, clergy, laity, women and men, young and old. Welcome to view and share and happy Jubilee of Hope!
Lourdes Jubilee Pilgrimages 2025
Our Diocesan Pilgrimage led by Bishop Fintan will depart Shannon Airport on Wednesday 25th June for 5 days. €955 pps includes full board .
Our Diocesan Autumn Pilgrimage is from 29th September to 4th October €935 pps includes full board.
To reserve a seat please contact JOE Walsh Tours 89 Harcourt St. Dublin 2 DO2WY88 Tel: 01 2410800 or joewalshtours.ie for more details.
A limited number of assisted pilgrims will be accommodated on the June pilgrimage. €855 is the cost for this section. A medical declaration form must be completed and those interested in this section are asked to apply to Ms Mary Freeman , Pilgrimage Secretary 087- 9777896 or marybfreeman@gmail.com
Sponsor a Sick Pilgrim
Each year some people sponsor a sick or assisted pilgrim to make their wish of travelling to Lourdes become a reality. The cost is € 855 per pilgrim. To sponsor or part sponsor a pilgrim please contact Fr Tom Ryan Pilgrimage Director 087 2349816
Evangelium Ireland Conference 2025
Evangelium Ireland invites young Catholics to its annual Apologetics Conference at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, on Saturday, 26 April 2025. The event features talks and workshops on topics such as discipleship in the Gospel of St. John, doctrinal development, and the making of modern culture. Holy Mass will be celebrated. Cost: €45, including lunch, refreshments, and an evening social. For the full programme and registration, visit www.evangelium.ie or search ‘Evangelium Ireland‘ on Eventbrite.
All are welcome to view Bishop Denis Nulty leading Accord’s annual blessing for engaged couples on Wednesday, 12 February, at the Shrine of Saint Valentine in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Whitefriar Street, in the Archdiocese of Dublin. The blessing begins at 2.00pm, followed by the celebration of Mass at 3.00pm for the intentions of all engaged and married couples.
Please note that the 2.00pm blessing will be livestreamed on the Catholic Bishops’ Facebook page at facebook.com/IrishCatholicBishops, while the 3.00pm Mass can be viewed via webcam at churchservices.tv/whitefriarstreet.
Appointment of Fr. David Carroll to assist in Inis Cealtra Pastoral Area, Pro-tem
Following the short illness and untimely death of our esteemed colleague Fr. Joe McMahon, RIP, who was based in Scarriff, Inis Cealtra Pastoral Area the clergy appointment board met in recent days. As a result of that, I have appointed Fr. David Carroll, Abbey Pastoral Area, to assist with the pastoral care of Inis Cealtra (pro-tem, until the Summer appointments of 2025). To accommodate that, Fr. David will have to greatly reduce his involvement in the Abbey Pastoral Area.
He will work along with the team in the pastoral area, Fr. Kieran Blake, VF, Fr. John Jones, Fr. Jackie Sharpe, Mr. Michael Daly, Pastoral Care Minister. During that time he will remain resident in Ennis and continue his post-graduate course of study. Fr. David will be available to cover weekend Masses, when his course schedule permits along with funerals, weddings, sick calls, first Friday calls, chaplaincy to the schools and whatever pastoral needs might arise, whenever he can. This appointment takes effect from Friday, December 6th, 2024.
I thank Fr. David for his generous availability and thanks also to the teams of the pastoral areas of Abbey and Inis Cealtra for the understanding and patience. ✠ Fintan Monahan
The Irish catholic Bishops’ Conference are delighted to be bringing you our digital Advent Calendar again this year.
Advent marks the beginning of the new calendar year for Christians. The digital Advent calendar offers a distinctive and spiritually enriching way to journey through this holy season. Based on the Jubilee Year’s theme of #Hope, the 2024 calendar offers prayers and resources designed to guide individuals, families and faith communities to reflect on the hope that Christ brings to the world, while also preparing for the upcoming Holy Jubilee Year in 2025.
To access the calendar please visit: https://www.catholicbishops.ie/adventcalendar/
Bishop Monahan welcomes countdown timer to Jubilee Year 2025 on CatholicBishops.ie (mailchi.mp)
World Mission Sunday 20th October 2024 is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. October and World Mission Sunday is a time for the faithful of the world to show their appreciation towards the work of overseas missionaries. Please donate €4.00 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. Alternatively donate at www.missio.ie or call Missio Ireland on 01 497 2035. To learn more go to www.missio.ie
Volunteer Ministries in the Killaloe Diocese: The Diocese of Killaloe will be launching its second Volunteer Ministry Training Programme this autumn. In the coming weeks people already involved in these ministries will speak at Masses across the diocese. The hope is that their testimonies will help raise awareness to the variety of ministries which people can volunteer for in their parish and pastoral area. Bishop Fintan will officially launch this ministry training later this autumn. For now all we ask is that you contemplate sharing their gifts and talents for the good of the faith community that we call the Diocese of Killaloe. For more information visit our website at: https://www.killaloediocese.ie/our-diocese/lay-ministries/
The Light the Fire Pilgrimage at Ballintubber Abbey, Co Mayo will take place on Sunday, 4 August, from 12.00pm to 4.00pm. Archbishop Francis Duffy, along with Deacon John Taaffe will celebrate Mass as part of the Light the Fire rosary/healing service. Eurovision’s Dana Rosemary Scanlon will also sing her new song for Saint Patrick which recalls how our patron saint lit the fire of faith.
Below is a schedule of events for the day
12 – 1pm Gathering |
1.15pm Rosary |
2pm Holy Mass |
3pm. Eucharist Healing Service |
4pm Depart for home |
For further information please click here
Well done to the 4 members of the Adult Faith Development team, Gerry, Jim, Gerard and Joy. Thanks and well done to Kate Liffey and huge thanks also to the priests and Ministers of the Scáth na Sionnaine Pastoral area who are a fantastic support. The Summer series continues on Wednesday night, next. God bless the good work.
Killaloe Synodal Synthesis submitted recently to be included in the national synthesis in advance of the second leg of the synod in Rome this Autumn.
Many thanks to Michael Collins for the great work, to the many who attended the various meetings in February and March, the coordinating group to collated the data along with the synodal team who went to the regional gathering in Mallow last week. Thanks also to the people who volunteered for the training in Mallow in recent months.
Prayer for vocations – Lord, the ministry of priests confirms your unfailing care for your people. Call from among us the priests and religious needed for your church of today and tomorrow. Bless all those who are discerning a vocation to priestly or religious life and bless all those who minister in your church in any way.
email: vocations@killaloediocese.ie
Vocations Director for the Diocese of Killaoe: Fr Ignatius McCormack
Daily Lenten Messages
Brief (less than one minute) daily multi-media spiritual reflections from Bishop Fintan will be available on the various social media platforms every day for Lent, Holy Week and the Easter Octave. Subscribe (at no cost – just click on the subscribe button) to https://www.youtube.com/@BishopFintanMonahan to keep up to date with many events around the diocese and beyond.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes direct from Shannon Airport will be from Friday 21st June to Wednesday 26th June and our Autumn Pilgrimage from Monday 30th September to Saturday 5th October.
On behalf of Pope Francis, thank you for supporting World Mission Sunday. Your kindness means that overseas missionaries can continue to share the love of God with some of the world’s most marginalised and vulnerable people. If you value the work of overseas missionaries, you can donate €4 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. Alternatively donate at www.missio.ie or call Missio Ireland on 01 497 2035. To learn more go to www.missio.ie
Synod Assembly of Bishops: Highlights from the last few weeks of the Synodal Assembly are also available and include presentations from the Secretariat, theological inputs and spiritual inputs. Simply click on the link synod.va
Going forward in Faith, Hope and Love Autumn 2023
Context of the Pastoral Letter
It followed extensive consultation and discernment trying to find a system of operating within the diocese that would make life easier and work more manageable. This would be more fit for purpose for the Church of today and tomorrow. The hope is to free up the burden of admin and leave more time for pastoral engagement, mission and evangelisation. Full letter available on Killaloe Diocese webiste.
One of the largest Catholic dioceses in Ireland, the Diocese of Killaloe, has announced a year-long initiative to encourage men to consider joining the priesthood.
A multimedia promotional campaign across counties Clare, Limerick, Tipperary, Offaly and Laois is underway, and visits to parishes across the Diocese of Killaloe commence this coming weekend in Ennis, followed by visits to Nenagh, Birr and Castleconnell next month.
Visit www.killaloediocese.ie or follow the Diocese of Killaloe on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more on the Year for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood.
Killaloe Diocese Autumn Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from 2nd to 7th October. 780euro full board. Limited seats available. Booking to Joe Walsh Tours 89 Harcourt Street Dublin 2 D02WY88 Tel: 01-2410800 www.joewalshtours.ie
Welcome home to our pilgrims from World Youth Day. Thanks to Fr. Francis Xavier for the excellent summary video on the link below.
Newsletter of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. Continued blessings on all the good work.
Accord Pre Marriage Courses available face to face in Ennis. Bookings on www.courses.accord.ie
Diocese of Killaloe Synodal Process & Synthesis: Many thanks to all the parishes, pastoral areas, individuals who took part in the diocesan phase. Thanks to the Diocesan Pastoral Council who did fantastic work from October to April and the Synthesis Group of 10 people, Diocesan Pastoral Council, New Minsters and Clergy who did Trojan work on putting together the synthesis from the huge volume of data gathered.
A link for the Holy Communion Webinar with Fr Chris O’Donnell
A link to the Confirmation Webinar held this week with Fr. Chris O’Donnell of Limerick leading.
One Flock One Shepherd – I am with you Still – Faith Reflections from a Covid-19 World
I hope you are keeping well on this fresh January day! A colleague who, during the Christmas was browsing a publication from Veritas from last year, I am with you Still – Faith reflections from a Covid-19 world – suggested that it might be timely to forward the reflection I submitted which is attached. The book was published last year and you may have read it then. One would have hoped by now that we would have moved on to a brighter and better situation, but the reality of ‘it’ being with us still is very much the case. Of course the real meaning of ‘He’ being with us still is a greater reality that trumps and gives meaning to the struggles therein and thank God for that. The reflection might be helpful in advance of what I hope will be many life-giving and energising discussions and dialogues on the Journey of the Synodal Pathway in the coming months and years.
Sláinte agus beannachtaí, Fintan
Pope Francis, along with other religious leaders has called on those attending COP26 to renew their commitment to keep global temperatures below 1.5°C and to take action to make this possible. “We have inherited a garden: we must not leave a desert to our children,” the statement says.
Limerick-Killaloe Camino: is a project of the Church of Ireland Cathedrals of St Mary’s in Limerick and St Flannan’s in Killaloe. It is roughly 25 kilometres in Length which is about a five hour walk. It follows part of the Lough Derg Way with a mixture of river bank, canal bank, forest trail, old roadway and minor roads. The Limerick-Killaloe Camino is best accessed from one of three different trailheads along the Lough Derg Way which provide information boards and car parking. These are at Limerick (Arthurs Quay), Clonlara (centre of the village) and Killaloe (Riverside Car Park on the Killaloe Side of the Shannon, near the Tourist Office). A booklet containing prayers and readings for this camino can be downloaded at https://limerick.anglican.org/limerick-killaloe-camino/
On-line Donations to Parish: In these times of Government lockdown and restrictions on attendances at public masses, many people who are unable to attend church services are interested in contributing to the support of their parish or their priests. Sincere thanks to all our parishioners who have contributed during this time. It is now possible to make a contribution by credit or debit card directly to your parish using the Diocesan Website – www.killaloediocese.ie. The full contribution as received by the Diocesan website will be fully paid to your parish. Simply go to the Diocesan Website and click on the red “Donate to your Parish” button on the top of the page. You will be invited to select your parish and the parish fund you wish to contribute to. Your support is greatly appreciated.