Community News

Published on March 13, 2025

Café Exchange: Open Saturday’s from 10.30am to 1pm.

Over the last 50 years our community in O’Gonnelloe has progressed greatly, in that time there have been a number of landmark developments which are now the life and soul of our community. All of those developments required bravery, vision and, most of all, the support of the community and everybody has benefited greatly over the decades as a result.

O’Gonnelloe Hurling Field Timeline Video

Another of those landmark projects is now well underway.  Championed by O’Gonnelloe Hurling Club, Scariff O’Gonnelloe Camogie Club, O’Gonnelloe National School and the wider O’Gonnelloe Community, this development is a significant addition to our community infrastructure. Over the last number of months substantial progress has been made on the indoor astroturf arena & gym which will be an invaluable asset to our community for many decades to come.

Coffee Morning: A huge thank you from The Active Retirement Group to everyone who came & generously supported the coffee morning held in the Parish hall last Friday.  €2335 was raised, all proceeds going to Milford Hospice.

Hall update: The first phase of work to the Parish Hall was started in Mar ’18 and the second in Sept ’18. The total cost of the development including both phases, sheds, canopy, projector, screen lighting and sound is €302,000. After receiving grants we took out a loan of €70,000, of which to date we owe €48,991. This loan will be repaid in 2029. Our main income is Hall rental and the monthly envelopes and without these we could not meet our repayments. Our appreciation and thanks goes to the community for their continued support. We have a wonderful Community Centre with great facilities which the community of O’Gonnelloe can be very proud of and with your continued support we will be able to meet our monthly payments and finish the loan.

Ogonnelloe Exchange: Thank you to all the volunteers who looked after the community café every Saturday during the year. It is very much appreciated. We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a healthy & peaceful New Year.

Community Text System Launched: Community Text number 089 267 8204 Over the past year people gave their phone numbers to members of the Communications Committee for inclusion in a community text system created to disseminate local information by text message. Those who have already signed up will receive a text message over the next few days. If you wish to be included text your number to 089 267 8204.

This is a simple channel for relevant, non-commercial, local community information moderated by the Communications Committee. The database will never be shared with any other person, organisation or group within or outside the community.

Jewellery Item Found: a jewellery item was found on the grounds of St Mary’s Church on Saturday 14th October. Please contact Parish Office to reclaim.

Helplines: • ALONE (for older people) 0818 222 024 • Women’s Aid Helpline 1800 341900 • Pieta: 1800 247 247 or text HELP to 51444 • Clare Haven 065 6822435 • Samaritans, Ennis – 065 6829777 • St. Vincent de Paul, East Clare – 086 3921492.

Raheen Day Centre welcomes new referrals at any time.  If you or someone you know would like to avail of this service where you can meet people, avail of hairdressing, chiropody, music sessions, advocacy support and a hot meal – call Áine on 061-923215 for further information.

Age Friendly Mornings at Scariff Library: lots of services in place to enable and support older people in the community. All are welcome to join us every Tuesday morning from 10.30am to watch a film, play a game of cards, read the papers, have a chat with friends, enjoy a cuppa or just relax and enjoy the space. For more information please contact 061 922893.

Community Information System: As part of the Community Development Plan the Communications Strand is in the process of establishing a community information network. This will involve compiling a database of the mobile phone numbers and email addresses of as many people as possible in the community. The database will be used to disseminate community information to community members primarily by text message and also by email. It will be a one-way, no-reply system carrying only community information and coming through one source. It will not be a chat-group or a forum. It will simply be a one-way channel for relevant community information moderated by the Communications Strand. The database will never be shared with any other person, organisation or group within or outside the community. Over the next few weeks members of the Communications Strand, people you know personally, will contact you in person to get your permission to add your phone number and/or your email address to the database. No one’s contact details will be added without that person’s express permission. We encourage you to participate. We believe this service will be of great benefit to the community and will keep people informed of a wide range of community activities, initiatives and opportunities. Eugene Hogan & Jim O’Brien Communications Strand

The O’Gonnelloe Community Development Plan:…/OGonnelloe-Community-Development-Plan.pdf

O’Gonnelloe Community Development Plan

O’Gonnelloe Ukraine Support Group: A group drawn from community, sporting and social organisations in O’Gonnelloe has been established to ensure that we are in a state of readiness to support any Ukrainian refugees who arrive here for short or long-term stays over the coming weeks and months. Our first meeting was held in the O’Gonnelloe Community Hall recently and a priority actions from this were to ascertain if there are any vacant residential units in the parish that could be made available for Ukraine families and if there any properties/homes in the community that refugees are going to be located to. The purpose of this is so we can put a support programme behind the new arrivals. We would ask that anyone who needs support from our group, assistance in making a property available or, indeed, a support network in place for any refugees that arrive to please email us at or leave a note with your contact details into the parish office at O’Gonnelloe Community Hall.

SVP East Clare: Behind each headline people see in the paper or on the news are real life people who are losing so much. As always, your donations make a difference, meaning that our volunteers can continue to support those most in need in East Clare. Our bank details below can be used for online or in branch donations. You can also contact SVP East Clare, in confidence, on 086 392 1492 or via email at   Account Name: East Clare SVP. Bank of Ireland. IBAN No: IE91 BOFI 9044 1363 2045 45. BIC No: BOFIIE2D.

Clare MABS: Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you worried about money you owe to lenders, credit cards, banks and mortgage lenders? For free, confidential and independent advice please contact on 0761 072430 or email us at